
What is surrogacy?

By using a surrogate, we can provide individuals or couples with the opportunity to achieve parenthood using their own sperm and/or eggs.

A surrogate is a woman who agrees to carry a baby during pregnancy for an individual or couple. She only provides a host uterus for the baby and does not contribute any genetic material. The embryo is created using an egg from a woman, who may be one of the intended parents or an egg donor. The egg is then fertilized by the sperm of a male partner or a sperm donor. In vitro fertilization using a surrogate can be performed for a variety of patients, both same-sex couples and heterosexual couples with a medical indication.

Female patients

Sometimes, a woman is physically unable to carry a pregnancy due to chronic factors, congenital uterine abnormalities, or another health problem that prevents the mother from carrying a pregnancy. In these cases, another woman may choose to carry the pregnancy and deliver the baby for her. The surrogate must have a healthy uterus and must pass a mandatory medical and psychological examination.

The intended mother and surrogate can experience a synchronized cycle, exactly like an egg donor IVF cycle, so that the mother’s embryos are ready to be transferred when the surrogate’s uterus is ready to receive them.

When is it necessary to resort to surrogacy?

In general, the two main reasons for resorting to surrogacy are: absence of uterus or uterine malformation, and medical contraindication.

Cases of absence of uterus or uterine malformation:

  • Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome. This is an anomaly in which the woman is born without a uterus and/or vagina or, if it exists, its development is incomplete.
  • History of hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus).
  • Incurable Asherman syndrome (uterine adhesions).
  • Repeated miscarriages or having experienced numerous embryo implantation failures without apparent cause.
  • Inability to increase the thickness of the endometrium.

Cases of medical contraindication (relative and absolute):

  • Presence of a disease that worsens with pregnancy and puts the life of the mother and fetus at risk.
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Turner syndrome
  • Uterine cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Acute renal failure

Male patients

A surrogate is an excellent option for single men and same-sex couples looking to start their families. At Cornel Fertility Center, we can help you with every aspect of the process, from finding your surrogate through an agency and acquiring the use of donor eggs. Our specialists will guide you through every step of the process so that together we can achieve your dream of starting a family.