Restore fertility
Reproductive surgeries
There are many situations in which our reproductive system is altered anatomically and functionally: adhesions, fibroids, hydrosalpinx, polyps, malformations, etc., but it is possible to restore fertility to our reproductive system with surgical treatment.
Improving treatment outcomes
Surgery not only allows us to restore a woman’s fertility, but it also helps us to improve the results of assisted reproduction treatments because many of these pathologies are responsible for not achieving pregnancy. Some of them, such as pathological uteruses with fibroids, adenomyosis, fibrosis, hydrosalpinx, etc., are responsible for quality embryos not implanting or aborting very early. The majority of repeated and resistant implantation failures are caused by an unknown and/or undervalued uterine factor. Diagnosing it using all available technology such as resonances and hysteroscopies.
It is a technique that allows the diagnosis and treatment of certain lesions such as abnormal bleeding, uterine diseases, causes of spontaneous abortion, polyps, fibroids and other conditions that hinder embryo implantation. It consists of introducing a thin tube inside the cervix called a hyteroscope. With this tube, which contains a camera, images can be sent to view the inside of the uterus and see if there is any type of abnormality.
Laparoscopy can be used to examine problems in the abdomen or reproductive system of women. It involves a small incision in the abdominal wall through which thin tubes (laparoscope) are inserted with a camera attached, through which images are sent to a monitor or screen. It is a minimally invasive surgery, with a very quick recovery and less pain than open or conventional surgery. It can be used to treat adhesions, fibroids and hydrosalpinx (a condition in which one or both of the fallopian tubes of a woman are blocked and dilated due to an accumulation of fluid inside, blocking and making it impossible for sperm and egg to meet).
This is a technique that is usually used in more complex cases, when it is impossible to perform less invasive techniques such as laparoscopy. Some cases may involve severe endometriosis, fibroids or uterine malformations. However, we will always do our best to treat your problem in the least invasive way and we will treat your case in the most humane, transparent and personalized way.